Fine Fused Clapton NiCr 80/20 – Handmade by Ziko

1,299 DIN

The mass of self-winders under the steamers loves custom coils. Clapton, Alien Clapton, Fused Clapton and many more. Although most of them like to come back to simple Wirecoils in between, those who have tasted the steam and often especially the taste of good custom coils will not be able to get away again.

The Custom Coils by Ziko are fine fused claptons made of the material nickel-chrome 80/20. Each coil is made by hand by Ziko himself. Once you have installed and vaped the Ziko Coils, you should be warned that there is an acute addictive danger. The taste development is exceptionally good, the coils respond very quickly and can be operated easily even with weaker wattages.

Originally the coils in the testing period were called “Extreme Coils”. Because Ziko designed them specifically for the Vapor Giant Extreme. However, whether in single or dual coil operation, they are in any suitable RTA perfect.

Everyone knows the unattractive results when a coil was too long in the atomizer, preferably with very sweet liquid. You open the tank look at the deck and consider whether this coal briquette must be disposed of as hazardous waste.

If you have installed a Ziko coil, you will heat up the winding neatly, rinse it with water, repeat it once or twice and the coil almost looks like it has just been removed from its glass tube. For most windings, it works just fine once or twice. After that, unfortunately, often the taste. For the Custom Coils by Ziko, it works really well for months. A true magic wire.

Vrsta , Brand: .Product ID: 5310


Tehnicke specifikacije:

Materijal NiCr 80/20
Otpor Single Coil ~ 0.37 ohms
Dual Coil ~ 0.22 ohms
Unutrasnji promer 3 mm
Broj namotaja 7
Sirina ~8 mm
Sadrzaj pakovanja 2 Fine Fused Clapton grejaca